Anergy and Workright: Protecting Our Employees Employment Rights

We were heartened when we had found out that our very own Sarasvathy and Zuikifle were selected to be the faces for the latest MOM Workright Campaign. This was an affirmation of our continued efforts in uplifting our employees image, skills and general well-being, we are heartened by the various initiatives that have been started by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and also the Environmental Management Association of Singapore (EMAS) in creating a better industry and working environment for our employees.

Besides ensuring our clients receive the best care and services from engaging us, we also engage with our employees to ensure that they know their employment rights and obligations.
This is where the Workright initiative comes in. Launched in 2012 by MOM and the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, this initiative seeks to raise the awareness of the Employment Act and the CPF Act and also to improve on companies’ compliance towards it.
Here at Anergy, we comply with the 6 simple steps that are laid out in the employers’ toolkit.
The 6 simple steps are as follows,
- Giving written Key Employment Terms (KET) to all employees.
- Monitoring and keeping records of our employees attendance and working hours.
- Paying our employees correctly and on time.
- Giving itemised pay slips to our employees.
- Contributing the correct amount to our employees’ CPF accounts on time.
- Giving our employees their paid public holidays and leave entitlements.
To do so, Anergy had adopted a new all-in-one application in 2020, which allows our employees ease of access to their attendance records, hours worked, current and previous pay-slips, leave entitlement and leave application, amongst other functionalities.
The application allows Anergy to keep track of our employees total working hours to ensure that they do not exceed the maximum working hours and that they get adequate rest and for them to also plan and clear their leave. Employees’ personalised pay-slips are also properly itemised with the employee’s and company’s CPF contributions included and made available during each salary pay-out day.
These are but some of the measures Anergy has proactively taken to ensure our employees are treated fairly in addition to other measures to help improve on their well-being, skill upgrading and also employability.
Image sources: The Straits Times and MOM